
The fastest way:

pip install resonances


The best way to install resonances package is through poetry, which is the dependency manager for python. In this case, you only need to write:

poetry add resonances

It will install the package itself, as well as all dependencies.

You might face some difficulties through the installation for a new project. Below is a detailed guide.


A. Follow the instructions on the official website of poetry and install it. Of course, python, pip, virtual environments and everything related should be already installed.

B. Create a new project:

poetry new example
cd example

C. If you now run poetry add resonances, you might face the issue that resonances is not compatible with the default python version that poetry has created. It happens because scipy has a requirement for python <3.12, whereas poetry has less explicit requirement <4. To fix that, open pyproject.toml file and replace the version of python to >=3.8,<3.12:

python = ">=3.8,<3.12"

D. Now you can add resonances:

poetry add resonances

E. Now you can run your first simulation. Create in the root directory of your project and place the following code there:

import resonances

sim = resonances.check(463, '4J-2S-1')

Note that the first run might take a while because the app needs to download AstDyS catalogue and initial data for the Solar system. You can see the progress in cache/resonances.log file.

F. Now you can see the results in cache/%current_datetime% folder.


However, if you prefer manual installation, you need to perform the following steps:

pip install resonances

Note that while numpy, scipy, pandas, and mathplotlib are quite common, the package also requires REBOUND integrator and Astropy. While it should be handled automatically, if something goes wrong, please verify that these packages are installed.

It is highly recommended to use virtual environments to avoid possible conflicts.

After installation, you can create the file with the same content as described in the previous section and run it:


Jupyter Notebooks

Generally, it should work out of the box, just follow any guide that explains how to add a package to Jupyter Notebooks and the instructions above.

If you use virtual environment and VSCode, do not forget to choose the right Python Kernel. Also, it is required to install ipykernel from the console (related to your virtual environment):

pip install ipykernel

Manual installation

If for some reason, you want to launch the project from the source code, you need to download it from github and install dependencies through poetry:

git clone
cd resonances
poetry install

You may verify the installation by running tests:

poetry run pytest -v tests

or simply make test

Note that you have to install prior to these steps python (preferably, through pyenv) and set up a virtual environment for poetry.


Use the same manager (poetry or pip) and its standard workflow to update.

poetry update