Mean-Motion Resonances on steroids
is an open-source package dedicated to the identification of mean-motion resonances of small bodies. Many examples are for the Solar system; however, you might use the package for any possible planetary system, including exoplanets. For now, the package supports only eccentricity-type resonances. However, it will be improved in the future.
The package:
- can automatically identify two-body and three-body mean-motion resonance in the Solar system,
- accurately differentiates different types of resonances (pure, transient, uncertain),
- provides an interface for mass tasks (i.e. find resonant areas in a planetary system),
- has integration with NASA Horizon (through rebound) and AstDyS catalog,
- can plot time series and periodograms,
- and, yeah, it is well tested ;)
It actively uses REBOUND integrator maintained by Hanno Rein and others.
Mean-motion resonances
For those who are not familiar with the mean-motion resonances, here is the list of papers used to develop this package:
Papers about the automatic identification of resonant asteroids
- Smirnov, E. A. (2023). A new python package for identifying celestial bodies trapped in mean-motion resonances. Astronomy and Computing, 100707.
- Smirnov, E. A. & Shevchenko, I. I. Massive identification of asteroids in three-body resonances. Icarus 222, 220–228 (2013).
- Smirnov, E. A., Dovgalev, I. S. & Popova, E. A. Asteroids in three-body mean motion resonances with planets. Icarus (2017) doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.032.
- Smirnov, E. A. & Dovgalev, I. S. Identification of Asteroids in Two-Body Resonances. Solar System Research 52, 347–354 (2018).
- Nesvorný, D. & Morbidelli, A. Three-Body Mean Motion Resonances and the Chaotic Structure of the Asteroid Belt. The Astronomical Journal 116, 3029–3037 (1998).
Papers about mean-motion resonances
- Chirikov, B. V. A universal instability of many-dimensional oscillator systems. Physics reports 52, 263–379 (1979).
- Gallardo, T. Strength, stability and three dimensional structure of mean motion resonances in the solar system. Icarus 317, 121–134 (2019).
- Gallardo, T. Atlas of the mean motion resonances in the Solar System. Icarus 184, 29–38 (2006).
- Gallardo, T., Coito, L. & Badano, L. Planetary and satellite three body mean motion resonances. Icarus 274, 83–98 (2016).
- Milani, A., Cellino, A., Knezevic, Z., Novaković, B. & Spoto, F. Asteroid families classification: Exploiting very large datasets. Icarus 239, 46–73 (2014).
- Murray, N. & Holman, M. Diffusive chaos in the outer asteroid belt. The Astronomical Journal 114, 1246 (1997).
- Murray, N., Holman, M. & Potter, M. On the Origin of Chaos in the Asteroid Belt. The Astronomical Journal 116, 2583–2589 (1998).
- Shevchenko, I. I. On the Lyapunov exponents of the asteroidal motion subject to resonances and encounters. Proc. IAU 2, 15–30 (2006).
- Valerio Carruba, Evgeny Smirnov, Dagmara Oszkiewicz. Machine Learning for Small Bodies in the Solar System. (Elsevier, 2024).
- Murray, C. D. & Dermott, S. F. Solar system dynamics. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012).
- Morbidelli, A. Modern celestial mechanics: aspects of solar system dynamics. (2002).
Whenever you use this package, we are kindly asking you to refer to one of the following papers (please choose the appropriate):
The package itself: Smirnov, E. A. (2023). A new python package for identifying celestial bodies trapped in mean-motion resonances. Astronomy and Computing.
title = {A new python package for identifying celestial bodies trapped in mean-motion resonances},
journal = {Astronomy and Computing},
year = {2023},
issn = {2213-1337},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {E.A. Smirnov},
keywords = {Mean-motion resonances, Python, Identification, Asteroids},
abstract = {In this paper, a new open-source package ‘resonances’ written in python is introduced. It allows to find, analyse, and plot two-body and three-body mean-motion eccentricity-type resonances in the Solar and other planetary systems. The package has a better accuracy of the automatic identification procedure for resonant objects compared to previous studies. Furthermore, it has built-in integrations with AstDyS and NASA JPL catalogues. The code is extensively documented and tested with automatic tests. The package is available on GitHub under MIT Licence.}
The Libration module and automatic identification of librations:
- Smirnov, E. A. (2023). A new python package for identifying celestial bodies trapped in mean-motion resonances. Astronomy and Computing, 100707.
Mass identification of mean-motion resonances:
- Smirnov, E. A., & Dovgalev, I. S. (2018). Identification of Asteroids in Two-Body Resonances. Solar System Research, 52(4), 347–354.
- Smirnov, E. A., Dovgalev, I. S. & Popova, E. A. Asteroids in three-body mean motion resonances with planets. Icarus (2017) doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.032.
The authors of the package:
- Many thanks to the co-authors of the papers (prof. I. I. Shevchenko, I. Dovgalev Dr. E. Popova).
- The creators of REBOUND integrator.
- The creators of Astropy.
- The creators of
, andmatplotlib